October 26, 2022Create a visual depiction using any tool you wish (graphs, charts, figures, pictures or PowerPoint) to explain the process of how ideas become regulations and rules and how rules and regulations become policy and laws on the local, state, and national lev
October 26, 2022Describe the methods to be used to decide the future of the solution (IDT colaboration).Discuss methods and specific plans to maintain a successful project solution.Discuss methods and specific plans to extend a successful project solution.Discuss methods and specific plans to revise an unsuccessful project solution.Discuss methods and specific plans to terminate an unsuccessful solution.Describe specific plans for feedback in the work setting and for communicating the project and its results to professional groups external to the project.Describe barriers in the chosen setting and identify the plan to overcome.Include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the work completed throughout the course . Format the assignment as a poster presentation Generate a poster presentation suitable for presenting at a QSEN or AACN conference including presenter notes. Construct four discussion questions to share with the class reflecting your poster presentation. DUE DATE: 10/2/16 @ 10 am PST
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