MGMT326 UDC Developing Market Strategies & Marketing Management Essay
November 7, 2019I have a Geology course I am taking online and I wanted to get help with my homework
November 7, 2019Question Description
This is for my communications, race and law class that Im currently in at UCLA.The professor has posted the prompt and we can choose one of the 4 that works best with you and that you can write.It needs to be double spaced with 12 point font and Times New Roman like a normal paper with cited sources at the end.Everything is on the papers I attach below.Please let me know which prompt you will be starting and what you will need!If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask as I am very easy to talk to :)The paper is due Thursday at 5 pm so I would like it before then so I can print it out.Thank you!!!
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