Safety, Quality and Informatics 3
October 26, 2022Incorporating theory
October 26, 2022CriteriaProvided comprehensive statement of the purpose of paper, picked a critical health care issue, and provided the title, statute and section number of applicable state and federal law. Provided limited statement of the purpose of paper, picked a critical health care issue, and provided the title, statute and section number of only the state or federal law. Provided inadequate statement of the purpose of paper, and/or did not pick a critical health care issue, and/or failed to provide the title, statute and section number of applicable state and/or federal law. Accurately targeted a correct employee group and health care setting. Comprehensive discussion of why they picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting. Accurately targeted a correct employee group and health care setting. Limited discussion of why they picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting. Failed to accurately target a correct employee group and health care setting. And/or inadequate discussion of why they picked the specific employee group and the specific health care setting. Comprehensive discussion of three critical employee responsibilities and the specific consequences for failing in each of those responsibilities. Accurately related the applicable federal and/or state law as to the consequences and provided citation to support consequences.Limited discussion of three or only two critical employee responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in each of those responsibilities. And/ or limited discussion of the relationship of the applicable federal and/or state law as to the consequences and provided citation to support consequences.Provided inadequate discussion of three or less critical employee responsibilities and the specific consequences of failing in each of those responsibilities. And/or failed to accurately relate the applicable federal and/or state law as to the consequences and provided citation to support consequences.Provided a summary of employee responsibilities, consequences, and the impact failing in these responsibilities may have on the quality of health care. Provided a statement of For more information about this issue to include a reference or references for further information on the issue. Provided a limited summary of employee responsibilities, and/or consequences and/or the impact failing in these responsibilities may have on the quality of health care. Provided a statement of For more information about this issue but provided few references for further information on the issue. Inadequate summary of employee responsibilities, consequences and or the impact for failing in these responsibilities may have on quality of health care. Provided a statement of For more information about this issue and/or failed to include a reference or references for further information on the issue. Paper is well written and fully complies with length, footnoting and referencing requirements Paper is confusing in parts and or partially complies with length, footnoting and/or referencing requirementsPaper is very confusing overall and/or fails to comply with length, footnoting requirements and/or referencing requirements The paper is free of obvious grammatical, typographical errors and follows all the formatting requirements. The sentence structure and diction are clear, effective, and diverse. The tone and style are appropriate for the intended audienceThere are noticeable proofreading and/or grammatical errors [no more than 3], but the errors do not significantly detract from the readability of the paper. Follows some of the other formatting requirements. Sentence structure may be rigid and unvaried. The tone and style are appropriate for the intended audienceThere are significant proofreading and/or grammatical errors [more than 3], which detract from the readability of the paper. Other formatting requirements not followed. There are major problems in sentence structure or the tone and style are not appropriate for the intended audience.Overall Score
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