October 26, 2022Patient Outcomes
October 26, 2022In your medical office, you may have to create or revise an opening and closing procedure manual for your entire staff. You need to delegate some employees to pull or file charts at the end of the workday. You also need to delegate employees to scan lab reports, referrals, authorization forms, or other correspondence in a patient’s EHR/EMR every day. You need to have someone check the crash cart to make sure the items in it are not expired. At the beginning of the workday, you also need to have someone turn on the fax and copy machine and check the telephone for messages.List other tasks that you believe should be written in an opening and closing procedure manual. What should not be included in an opening and closing procedure manual and why? Write at least two pages of information detailing what information you would include in an office policy about the opening and closing procedures.
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