Lack Of Underground Water In Saudi Arabia Environmental Issue Paper
November 7, 2019Environmental Toxins Discussion
November 7, 2019Question Description
Research Topics
For the individual background research, each team member should select 1-2 of the following topics such that collectively all topics are researched within the group. Teams may decide they need to explore additional topics, but should research these at a minimum. Team members should cite at least 2 reliable sources per topic. The collection of individual research will be compiled to create the background section of the technical report.
Examples of water as a power source
Position, velocity, and acceleration equations and their relationship to one another
project title:Water Powered Vehicle
project objective: Design a vehicle that is powered with water(Green energy) .Which makes it eco-friendly .
Water powered vehicle is cost effective .
Groups objective Is to make this idea into a build , making the car propel towards a 5m target as its first initial test .