October 2, 2022

Module 2

Module 2: Functional Assessments and Assessment Tools Accessible player What’s Happening in This Module? Module 2: Functional Assessments and Assessment Tools is a 2-week module, Weeks 2 and 3. In this module, you consider the impact of functional assessments, diversity, and sensitivity in conducting health assessments. You also explore various assessment tools and diagnostic tests that are used to gather information about patients’ conditions and examine the validity and reliability of […]
October 2, 2022

Week 1

Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke / Adobe Stock Week 1: Building a Comprehensive Health History According to a 2011 Gallup poll, nurses are ranked as the most trusted professionals in the United States. One of the most admired nursing skills is the ability to put patients at ease. When patients enter into a healthcare setting, they are often apprehensive about sharing personal health information. Caring nurses can alleviate the hesitance of patients and […]
October 2, 2022

Module 1

Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke / Adobe Stock Module 1: Comprehensive Health History Accessible player What’s Happening in This Module? This course is composed of four (4) separate modules. Each module consists of an overarching topic in which each week within the module includes specific subtopics for learning. As you work through each module, you will have an opportunity to draw upon the knowledge you gain in various Digital Clinical Experiences […]
October 2, 2022

Week 11

Photo Credit: Monkey Business / Adobe Stock Week 11: The Ethics Behind Assessment   Consider the following scenarios: Adhya is a 17 year old Indian-American female with a history of leukemia. The parents discussed a bone marrow transplant with the oncologist. The treatment could result on      Adhya ‘s infertility.  The treatment has not been discussed with her neither the risk. She has not been given the option to look for […]
October 2, 2022

Module 4

Photo Credit: Monkey Business / Adobe Stock Module 4: Ethics in Assessments Accessible player What’s Happening in This Module? Module 4: Ethics in Assessments is a 1-week module, Week 11 of the course and the last module in which you examine evidence-based practice guidelines and ethical considerations factor into health assessments.   What do I have to do?     When do I have to do it?     Review your Learning Resources […]
October 2, 2022

Week 10

Week 10: Special Examinations—Breast, Genital, Prostate, and Rectal One critical element of any physical exam is the ability of the examiner to put the patient at ease. By putting the patient at ease, nurses are more likely to glean quality, meaningful information that will help the patient get the best care possible. When someone feels safe, listened to, and cared about, exams often go more smoothly. This is especially true […]
October 2, 2022

Week 9

Week 9: Assessment of Cognition and the Neurologic System A 63-year-old woman comes to your office because she’s been forgetting things…a young mother comes in concerned because her baby fails to make eye contact and is unresponsive to touch…a teenager comes in and a parent complains that the teen obsessively washes his hands. An array of neurological conditions could be causing the above symptoms. When assessing the neurologic system, it […]
October 2, 2022

Week 8

Week 8: Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System A 46-year-old man walks into a doctor’s office complaining of tripping over doorways more frequently. He does not know why. What could be the causes of this condition? Without the ability to use the complex structure and range of movement afforded by the musculoskeletal system, many of the physical activities individuals enjoy would be curtailed. Maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system will […]
October 2, 2022

Week 7

Week 7: Assessment of the Heart, Lungs, and Peripheral Vascular System Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the largest cause of death worldwide. Accounting for 610,000 deaths annually (CDC, 2017), CVD frequently goes unnoticed until it is too late. Early detection and prevention measures can save the lives of many patients who have CVD. Conducting an assessment of the heart, lungs, and peripheral vascular system is one of the first steps that […]