January 27, 2023

Review the perspective of both readings poems american literature

POEMSStephen Crane, “Do Not Weep, Maiden, for War Is Kind”Walt Whitman, “There Was a Child Went Forth” Review the perspective of both readings and to examine how the authors presented a specific American value and/or right. To break down the authors’ ideas into simpler parts and find textual evidence to support generalizations.The essay should be 500 words, written in 3rd person, and should: introduction, thesis statement, organized body paragraphs, and a […]
January 27, 2023

Application: Understanding Positive Classroom Climates

For your Application Assignment this week, you have a choice of observing preschool-age children in an early childhood setting or interviewing a preschool teacher in person or by telephone. Your purpose is to increase your understanding of the influence of classroom climate and teacher’s guidance of children in fostering prosocial skills. It is preferable that you work with a preschool that has been accredited by NAEYC. To locate NAEYC-accredited programs […]
January 27, 2023

summary. To the Promised Land

,neneed a summary , you can do them by chapters or anything you like. The most important thing is to cover all the pages, after the summary find one thing that is not normal ( strange) and tell why it is not normal. Also you need to connected to a one principle from other book.  summary pages and the book name:  chapter 1 till 8, Michael Boylan,  To the Promised Land […]
January 27, 2023

homework help unit 8

Both Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” and Marquez’s “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings” explore the roles of faith, martyrdom, and tradition. Using examples from these two works, please answer the following questions in a two to three paragraph response.How are the stories similar and/or different in their portrayal of faith? How are the stories similar and/or different in their portrayal of martyrdom? How are the […]
January 27, 2023

public admin

“Mobile and Wireless” Please respond to the following:Decide whether or not mobile computing and wireless computing are synonymous. Provide at least two (2) reasons to support your assertion and justify your response.Give your opinion on whether or not mobile and wireless devices have contributed to the rise in social media activity. Next, determine at least two (2) ways that business organizations use mobile technologies to become more efficient, productive, and […]
January 27, 2023


Satisfactorily created a video screencast (five [5] minutes or less) using Screenr and Assignment 2 to demonstrate the appropriateness of the planning of the Technology Transformation Lesson that you have been developing during this course in which you: (a) (a) Name your screencast by typing FirstName_LastName_Assignment3 in the “Describe your screencast” field (e.g., John_Doe_Assignment3); (b) Publish a working and accessible link to your Screenr video, and insert the link into your presentation.
January 27, 2023

A Literature

1. In “Cathedral,” how would you describe the relationship between the narrator and his wife? Do you think their relationship will change after this experience? What do you feel is the significance of the Robert’s lack of vision? 2. Look at Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” and explain how the quilts in the story symbolize the family’s heritage.  How do Dee and Maggie view the significance of the family’s heritage, and how is […]
January 27, 2023

Need 5 sources created in APA format for annotated bibliography

Follow the student example included below.  You will use your sources, but you will build your citation based on the model that matches your source in the APUS Citation Guides.  In other words, if you are using MLA citation style and you are citing a book with a single author, you will go to the APUS MLA Style Guide. You will find an example for citing a book with one […]
January 27, 2023

Letters from Birmingham (PHI101: Ethics in Contemporary Society)

Martin Luther King, Jr. was many things, a civil rights activist, nonviolent protestor, organizer, teacher, son, husband, father, and a black man. Many forget that he was first, a Christian Southern Baptist minister and preacher. His religious faith informed his ethical actions. After reading selections from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, Letters from the Birmingham Jail, explore the role of Christian ethics in King’s actions during the turbulent times in the […]