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November 7, 2019FIN600 American Military Financial education Discussion
November 7, 2019Question Description
Focus: Thesis is stated in specific, clear terms and maintained throughout essay. Paragraphs are unified by a main idea and cohere as distinct units. Topic sentences are used to maintain focus. Author limits the content to a manageable scope.Focus: Thesis is stated in specific, clear terms and maintained throughout essay. Paragraphs are unified by a main idea and cohere as distinct units. Topic sentences are used to maintain focus. Author limits the content to a manageable scope.Development/Support: Points are developed and tied-in with the essays thesis. Points are supported with specific examples. Ideas are fleshed out fully. Necessary context is provided for reader comprehension. Source materials are integrated effectively and meaningfully into the authors argument.Organization/Structure: A clear principle of organization is employed and maintained throughout essay. Essay is structured in manner that maximizes the overall purpose and effect. Effective transitions connect separate ideas and events.Style/Conventions: Essay is free of sentence fragments, comma splices, and run-on sentences. Verb tense is consistent throughout. Pronouns refer to clear antecedents and are used correctly in terms of person, case, and number. Most sentences are constructed in active voice. Sentences are clear and concise, avoiding unnecessary wordiness. Essay adheres to standard written English. Essay meets prescribed requirements, including word count and outside source requirements. MLA format is employed correctly for
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