(PHYS) Changing Views of Universe- Term Project OUTLINE
November 7, 2019Electric Maps and Gauss
November 7, 2019Question Description
(1) Email-essay: When you make a decision, it is critical to answer:What is the desired outcome?How will that outcome be measured / monitored? For this weeks essay, you will write an email to your boss describing the desired outcome for the decision made in one of the cases (Salesforce, Netflix Prize, Netflix) and how that outcome will be measured. Specify:what metrics/KPIs will be used and whyany targets for those metrics/KPIswhat it means if a particular metric goes up or downwhat teams should have access to / be responsible for monitoring which KPIsAn example from previous session: ALY_6100_Week_5_Assignment_Email_Anita_Lok.pdf Other requirements:Use in line citations where appropriateInclude a reference list/bibliographyMinimum 2 references (including book and case study)Minimum 300 words(2) Slides: 2 Dashboard Mock-ups This week in class we reviewed how companies track and visuals key metrics and KPIs in constantly updated dashboard. Based on this week’s email-essay and your knowledge of the Salesforce or Netflix case, mock up 2 project dashboards for two different teams monitoring the results of this project. For example, for Salesforce, you could make a dashboard for the executive team and the HR team.You can use PPT, drawing or vector graphics software, or even hand draw the mock up (take a clear pic for your submission). Please submit your mock ups as one file, e.g. PDF or PPT.If you need some help imagining what a dashboard mockup might look like:Refer to example dashboards from Zignal Labs aboveFor websites, simple mock ups are called wireframesAn example from a previous session ALY_6100_Week_5__Recommendation_Anita_Lok.pdf (3) Short Answer: Explain Dashboard mock-upsFor your short answer this week, you’ll describe your dashbaord mock-ups. Please include:Definitions of the KPIs/metrics you included in your 2 dashboard mock-upsWhy you included each KPI/metricWhy a metric was on one or both dashboardWhy you choose to display the metric in the way you chooseOther requirements:Use in line citations where appropriateInclude a reference list/bibliographyMinimum 2 references (including book and case study)
Examples are included below, tell me if you need any extra materials.Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E91bGT9BjYkReading: https://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intelligence/save_the_pies_for_dessert.pdfExample of dashboard: https://zignallabs.com/solution/communications-and-pr/ , https://zignallabs.com/solution/cco-and-cxo/